


The Association shall be called the Phoenix Masters Association (hereafter called PMA).


The objectives of the PMA are to:

  • Further the friendships developed during our year in office by providing continuing opportunities for social activities.
  • Maintain our support for the Mayoralty, Sheriffs, Livery and Corporation of London.


Full Members. The following shall be eligible for Full Membership:

London Livery Masters: Any person who has held the office of Master, Prime Warden or Upper Bailiff (all hereafter called Master) of a City of London Livery Company sometime during the Mayoralty of Alderman the Lord Mountevans.

Outwith Livery & London: Masters or equivalents of City Companies or Guilds without livery, and of Companies or Guilds outwith the City which are of equivalent status, who held office in the Mayoralty of Alderman the Lord Mountevans, may be invited by the PMA Committee to join the PMA, and if they accept shall be Full Members. The decision of the Committee shall be final.

Honorary Members: The Lord Mountevans shall be President for life. His Sheriffs of the City of London, Alderman Sir Charles Bowman and Dr Christine Rigden shall be Vice-Presidents for life.

PMA Committee

The Association shall have a Chairman, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer (hereafter called the “officers”).  Officers will be elected for a three year term and at the completion of their term may stand for re-election.

At the end of an officer’s three year term any member of the Association may stand for election to fill the vacant post by notifying the Chairman of their intentions and submitting a duly completed nomination form to the Hon Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM.  If more than one person wishes to stand for any post there will be a ballot by show of hands of those present at the AGM;  those absent will not be able to vote.

The following rules apply to nominations:

  • Only members whose subscriptions are up to date may be nominated for office or may propose or second a candidate for office.
  • Each nomination must be proposed and seconded by two different members of the Association, both of whom should sign the nomination form.
  • A person may not propose or second themselves.
  • Any candidate nominated for office must also sign the nomination form to signify their willingness to stand and, if elected, serve the Association.
  • The Association’s three Honorary members – the President and two Vice Presidents – are not eligible to stand for office, nor may they act as proposer or seconder.

Should an officer resign part way through their term of office the Committee may call a special meeting to fill the vacancy and the same nomination and election procedures will apply.

The Association shall have a Committee, which shall consist of the 3 officers, plus up to 14 other members who may be appointed or co-opted by the Chairman.  Ordinary Committee members do not face election or a term limit to their Committee membership.

Quorum: Committee meetings will be held from time to time. The Chairman or one of the other officers and two members shall form a quorum. In the event of an even vote the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.


The PMA website and e-mail will be the principal method of informing Members about events; the website will include a copy of this Constitution, with approved amendments, and contact details of Members. Members who are not connected to the Internet will be kept informed by conventional mail.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the PMA shall be held each year between September and December. The Secretary shall publish the proposed date of the AGM no later than 21 days before the meeting, asking for nominations to the Committee to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the meeting. The agenda, including nominations, resolutions, and minutes of the previous AGM, shall be issued 14 days before the AGM via the Website and e-mail or conventional mail.

If the Committee or at least 10 Members so wish, the Committee may call a Special General Meeting (SGM).


Resolutions to be moved at the AGM shall be submitted by Members in writing or e-mail to the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM, except for proposals to amend the Constitution. These shall be submitted to the Secretary at least 21 days before the AGM, so that they can be included with considered comment by the Committee. All resolutions, with names of proposers, will be placed on the website.

Proxy Voting. Proxy forms for each resolution will be available from the website and sent to those receiving conventional mail. To vote by proxy, a Member must return the completed form by e-mail or post, to be received by the Secretary not less than 48 hours before the AGM.

Passing Resolutions. Resolutions at the AGM will be decided by a simple majority of those voting, in person or by proxy. In the event of an even vote the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote. Changes to the Constitution will require the vote of two thirds of those voting.

Annual Subscription and Voting Rights

There will be a joining fee of £25 and there will be an annual subscription of £25, payable on 1st September. Costs will be reviewed regularly and the subscription may be adjusted from time to time. The Committee will propose changes to the subscription for approval at the AGM. No Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to attend activities or vote at any meeting.


The PMA will maintain bank accounts, including online banking, which will be operable on the signature or internet login of the Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer or one of the officers.

The Treasurer shall provide Members with the PMA financial accounts for the year ending previous August 31st along with notice of the AGM via the Website.

Winding up the PMA

Should the Membership wish to wind up the PMA, the Committee will, with at least 2 months’ notice, call a SGM via e-mail and conventional mail to all known Members. At the SGM a vote of two thirds of those voting shall decide whether to wind up the PMA. Any surplus PMA funds shall be distributed to one or more charities approved at the SGM.

Document control:

15th September 2016              Original created

7th November 2017                 Annual subscription fee lowered from £50 per annum to £25 per annum

12th September 2019              Incorporating Resolution passed at SGM re voting process for officers

13th October 2023                   Incorporating Resolution passed at AGM re minimum notice period for the issue of documents etc. and other minor corrections