Wellbeing in the City  Brief

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One in five adults will experience suicidal feelings at some point in their life, and City workers are no different.

Through their partnership, Samaritans and the Lord Mayor’s Appeal will deliver an interactive learning experience tailored to workers in the City of London that will give employees the skills they need to manage their own emotional health and look out for others before feelings reach crisis point. Anyone can struggle and anyone can offer support too.

They believe that anyone can provide emotional support to someone in need: you don’t need to be an expert to make a difference.

They have created two resources to promote wellbeing and resilience and share Samaritans’ expertise in active listening.

Your staff can learn at their own pace, at their desk or at home. In as little as five minutes, they can learn skills that will help them understand the importance of emotional health and have the confidence to reach out to a colleague, friend or family member who might be struggling to cope.

The resources have been created with the aim of:

  • Empowering people to start a simple conversation with someone they are concerned about
  • Equipping people with the skills to actively listen
  • Giving people the confidence that they really can make a big difference
  • Addressing common myths and barriers to getting involved

Benefits for your organisation

  1. Increased resilience of your staff
  2. Improved peer support amongst staff
  3. Improved listening skills
  4. More engaged, productive and supported staff

Benefits to wider society

  1. Increased awareness of the importance of wellbeing and emotional health
  2. Reaching communities across the UK by empowering employees to support their friends, family and colleagues through active listening.

Using a series of tools, they’re going to be working with companies in the City of London to give people the skills and confidence they need to approach people who may need support and make a real difference to their lives.

The tools will be available to organisations in the City of London from early April 2018.

Register your interest now to receive updates about the Wellbeing in the City programme.
